ABOUT THE BOOK Author- Sanjay Rath For the first time a book on Vedic Astrology not only consolidates the various types of remedial measures available in the sacred literature, but...
Author- Sanjay Rath The vedic dasa system is the most potent predictive tool for an astrologer. Vedic Astrology has more than a hundred dasa systems with Vimshottari dasa on the...
Divisional Charts Author- Sanjay Rath Divisional charts' are the keys to understanding horoscopes as they unlock that hidden door which refuses to open, even after the astrologer has examined the...
Author- Sanjay Rath This book goes into the intricacies of the vimsottari and other Nakshatra based planetary dasa (udu dasa) to bring out their need & usage. An independent chapter...
Author- Sanjay Rath This book offers a lucid transliteration of the upadesa Sutras of Maharishi Jaimini. Wherever necessary this has been substantiated by references from standard texts. A number of...
Author- Sanjay Rath This book is the first ever on Narayana Dasa. Starting with concepts that link the spiritual foundation of Hinduism to Jyotish, the author explains the basic principles...