Author-Raj Kumar Lt Col The correct judgement of longevity is highly complex, but is equally important and sought after. “Knowing longevity is difficult even for gods” said sage Parashar.Any prediction...
Children & Astrology Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col Child is a very sweet five letter word and is the purest and most innocent creation of God. He manifests all the...
Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col Among various Vargas, the relative importance of Navamsha is universally acclaimed. Astrologers consider it to be just next to birth chart or equal to birth...
Charisma of Trikone Houses Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col In any horoscope, the 1st, 5th & 9th houses are considered to be the most auspicious ones. It is believed that the soul...
Charisma of KENDRA HOUSES Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col The lagna is basically a reference point from where the various houses in a chart are numbered. The lagna is not...
Education & Astrology Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col The evolution of human race to its present state is due to constant endeavour of each parent to see that even at...
CHARISMA OF PLANETS : TIMING EVENTS Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col Astrological analysis has tow components. The first is the deduction of likely trends in the life of a native....
Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col As per classics there could be four goals in human life- Dharma, Artha, Kaam & Moksha. However in the materialistic world of today, most of us...
FINANCE & PROFESSION ( A Vedic Approach) Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col The survival and sustenance of human life and all activities on this earth mainly depends on financial prosperity....
Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col The stars or Nakshtras have fascinated most of us during our childhood. During hurly-burly of adulthood, they seemed to be put in background, but come...
Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col A native suffers or enjoys (with the former having a dominant part) in life as per his prarbdha/destiny. Astrology does indicate what one has to...
DELINEATING A HOROSCOPE Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col Astrology is a great science based on sound principles and theory of karma through cycles of rebirth . A horoscope is basically...