Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (2 Volume Set) (English) Author- R Santhanam & GS Kapoor One can safely say that hindu astrology took its birth through the teachings of parasara, the...
HORA SARA By Prithuyasas Son Of Varahmihira ( English ) Author- R Santhanam This is a book on horosocopy by Prithuyasas, the son of the great Acharaya Varahamihira, “Shatpanchasika”- the...
An excellent and rare work containing principles on predictive astrology Exclusive aphorisms from authoritative treatises on Hindu Astrology fully enrich this work. To cite an instance: If the lord of...
Garga –Hora Human being have always wanted to look ahead and to a large extent are capable of doing so. Of all the methods of prediction in vogue, astrology is...