Osho Zen Tarot: The Transcendental Game Of Zen, by Osho and Ma Deva Padma, presents the art of tarot from a Zen master, who believed that the outer world impacts...
"Religion is a dead rock. I teach you not religion but religiousness, a flowing river countinuously changing its course but ultimately reaching to the ocean. A rock may be very...
Essence of Spritualism [English] by Osho Priya Publisher: Oshodhara This book presents the scientific and philosophical background of first four out of eleven levels of Samadhi Programs – Dhyan ( Divine Awareness), Surati...
Siddharth Upanishad [English] By Osho Siddhartha Publisher: Oshodhara Sadguru Osho Siddartha ji, when in Oshodhara Nanak Dham at Murthai, meets the seekers and devotees in ‘Darshan Darbar’ every Monday and Thursday form 2:...
Anand Geeta - Pearls of Blissful Living [English] by Osho Siddhartha Publisher: Oshodhara Ananda Geeta is Sadguru Osho Siddarthaji’s sadhana diary written form 1995 to 2005. Initially it was paublished in...
Synergic Homeopathy [English] by Osho Siddhartha Publisher: Limass Foundation If you desire to utilize the medicines mentioned in this book to maintain your own health and that of your friends and relatives,...
Mudra Healing [English] by Osho Siddhartha Publisher: Oshodhara MUDRA HEALING Yoga is a complete science of healing as well as prevention of diseases. This has been increasingly recognized by the doctors all...
Enlightenment: the Ultimate Freedom [English] by Osho Siddhartha Publisher: Oshodhara ‘Enlightenment: The Ultimate Freedom’ is the compilation of 12 unique discourses of Sadguru Osho Siddrathji. I call these discourses ‘Unique’, because...