Author- SK Duggal Planetary Strengths is the first book on Shad Bala and Bhava Bala which deals with detailed calculation bases on Vedic Classical Principles and Aplication of Batas for...
DELINEATING A HOROSCOPE Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col Astrology is a great science based on sound principles and theory of karma through cycles of rebirth . A horoscope is basically...
Essence of the Book With the beginning of civilization, ambitions began to take shape in the mind of the human community which paved way for the aggrandizement of desire amongst...
VEDIC ASTROLOGICAL CALCULATIONS Author- SK Duggal Vedic Astrological Calculations was first published about 3 decades ago.The book deals with calculations of Time,Ayanamsha,Nirayana Longitudes of Grahas and Bhavas,quite in detail.The important...
Author- Manoj Kumar सृष्टि के समुदाय के उपरांत मानव समुदाय में महत्वकांक्षा जागृत हुई जिसके परिणामस्वरूप लोगो में आगामी जीवन के विषय में जानने कि इच्छा बलवंत हुई i इसी...
Degrees of Zodiac Symbolised Author: Charubel | Publisher: Sagar Publications Description:In Degrees of Zodiac Symbolised, Charubel offers an in-depth exploration of the symbolism behind each degree of the zodiac signs....