INTRODUCTION Everybody wants peace, pleasure and smooth life; but nobody gets. Majority of the people complain that there is something or other wrong regarding their health, since the body is...
STELLAR ASTROLOGY ALONE CAN ANSWER MINOR EVENTS As decided earlier, the mail bag was opened at 7-59 a.m. (Sri Lanka Standard time) on the 6th October 1972. The letters were...
PREFACE Many people of their own opinion thought that astrology is not so correct. Why ? this kind of opinion people will have in their mind because of the old...
These Ruling Planets act as the guides and assist in timing the event almost exactly. When applied to the Natal Chart, the Ruling Planets will agree fully with the Dasa,...
In Krishnamurti Paddhati, great importance is given to Cusp Sub-lords. In this book, the results of all the twelve Cusp Sub-lords are given in detail with respect to their significations...