The book is intended to fulfill three objects, firstly to furnish in one place the horoscopes having an important beating on the multifarious fields of activity of man, so that...
ART OF PREDICTIONS Author- JN Bhasin The entire approach to this work has been “prediction “ oriented. To start with the student has been furnished quite a number of most...
Medical Astrology - A Rational Approach ( SUMMARY) Author- JN Bhasin Some fundamental principles; Some important rules of astrology; Kala Purusha & disease; Lagna & disease; Isolated planets & disease;...
Sarvarth Chintamani [English] by JN Bhasin Publisher: Sagar Publications Sarvarth Chintamani is one of the top astrological works. From the point of view of practical utility it offers very valuable comments on...
Author- JN Bhasin The subject of “Natal” astrology has been dealt with in this book rather briefly, still in dealing with the various aspects of the science, it has been...