Predicting through Jaimini Astrology Author- VP Goel Jaimini system of astrology is fascinating method. It is a great predictive tool for astrologers. Combined with Parasara system we can double check the...
Predicting through Jaimini’s chara Dasha Author- KN Rao This is the most original, revolutionary and effective book over written on Jaimini Astrology, because; It shows how Jaimini’s karakas – Atma,...
Advanced use of Jamini Char Dasha ( English ) Author- KN Rao it is after more than two decades that I am fulfilling the promise of writing a book on...
Predicting Through Karakamsha & Jaimini's Mandook DashaAuthor: KN RaoPublisher: Vani Publications This book focuses on the Karakamsha and Jaimini's Mandook Dasha, two unique and powerful tools in Vedic astrology for...
JAIMINI SUTRAM (COMPLETE) Author- PS Sastri The complete Text is in four chapters. Their Karakamsa, Arudha, Upapada and Navamsa are explained in the first chapter. The second chapter deals with...
Predicting through Jaimini ‘s Sthira Dasha Author- Akhila Kumar For many years we have struggled with Sthira Dasha because it was found that if one followed what was advocated by...
Author- UK Jha This book on Chara Dasa is especially revolutionary in the sense that the author has brought about too many new and hither to unknown vistas of Jaimini...
Author- UK Jha "The Mandook Dasa discussed here is completely different than what is given in the standard classical texts/by commentators or from the techniques adopted by the researchers on...