One Minute Prashna Based On Jyotika Sthanam Prashna Pantha Over the years, I have worked on different Prashna Systems. Each having its own set of rules which need to be...
भृगु सरल पद्धति भृगु सरल पद्धति सात- आठ सालो में शृखंला बद्ध तरीको से पैंतीस तकनीकों का विवेचन किया है l लेकिन हम इनका प्रयोग अन्य विधियों के साथ मिलाकर...
Author- Jitendra Trivedi Saptarishis Publication Presents a masterpiece 'New Marvels Of Nadi Astrology' by 'Jitendra Trivedi' which is a must read for a passionate explorer and student of Astrology. In...
Author- Saptarishi Astrology The greatest revelations in Vedic Astrology. Over a period of seven years, the impact of Bhrighu Saral Paddathi has been...
Easy Prashna Secrets Kerala System, KP And Shatpanchasika Prashna has always fascinated me, I always believed it was a totally different system of prediction with its own tenets, rules and...
Author- RK Das Important leatures of this book: I. It is for the timing of happy events of life such as marriage, progeny, service, etc. 2. Speaks of PACN, i.e.,...
How to Make Money Using Astrology [English]Author: Joni Patry | Publisher: Saptarishis Discover how the stars can guide you toward financial success with "How to Make Money Using Astrology" by...
Parul Sutram is a Ready Reckoner handed over to us by the author through divine blessings specifically for this very purpose. The techniques given will help in deciding on the...