Chanakya Neeti is a collection of Chanakya's thoughts in "Do's and Don'ts" format which one can apply in the conduct of one's daily life, follow a set of simple rules...
Chanakya's 100 Best Sutras: Ageless Wisdom for Unlocking Your Potential and Achieving Your Goals [English] Written By: Radhakrishnan Pillai Publisher: Jaico
Chanakya Neeti: Safalta Ki Ranneeti [Hindi] By Radhakrishnan Pillai Publisher: Jaico In The First Principle, Osho captures the unique, colorful, seemingly crazy spirit of Zen through talks on a collection of Zen...
सम्पूर्ण चाणक्य निति . मुर्ख व्यक्ति वस्तुत: दो पैरो वाला पशु ही होता है l कारण कि वह अपने आचार -व्यवहार, वाणी द्वारा अन्य लोगो को वैसे ही पीड़ा पहुँचता...