Author- Sanjay Rath This book goes into the intricacies of the vimsottari and other Nakshatra based planetary dasa (udu dasa) to bring out their need & usage. An independent chapter...
Author- Dinesh S Mathur To fix the possible time of happening of an event in the life of an individual is a difficult matter. Vimshottari dasa is a commonly used...
Author- OP Paliwal गत शताब्दी में प्रकाशित "बृहत् पराशर होरा"नाम से चार ग्रन्थ है . जिनमे सर्वप्रथम बृहत् पाराशर होरा सारांश है l इस ग्रन्थ के तृतीय संस्करण (1933 में ...