HORARY ASTROLOGY & CUSPAL INTERLINKS Author- SP Khullar Horary Astrology and Cuspal Interlinks is a rare book on predictive astrology based on the sub-sub and cuspal interlinks theory. It is...
Author- Revathi Vee Kumar In horoscope analysis, a complete and comprehensive view can be obtained only if the Bhavas are judged by taking into consideration their inter-connected roles in the...
Charisma of Trikone Houses Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col In any horoscope, the 1st, 5th & 9th houses are considered to be the most auspicious ones. It is believed that the soul...
Charisma of KENDRA HOUSES Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col The lagna is basically a reference point from where the various houses in a chart are numbered. The lagna is not...
Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col As per classics there could be four goals in human life- Dharma, Artha, Kaam & Moksha. However in the materialistic world of today, most of us...
Author- OP Paliwal This book is written with two objectives. First, to emphasise that the subject matter of Jyotish as described by Parasara, Varaha Mihira and others is to decipher...
Author-Raj Kumar Lt Col The classical texts have condemned Trika (6th, 8th & 12th) houses and their lords as evil with a negative role. These are considered to represent all...
Author- SP Khullar The theory of this book is the outcome of the sincere dedicated research of the author in the field of astrology. It is in tune with the...
Author- Ds Mathur This is a book that has ventured into partially explored territory. There is no old classical work that deals with planets in houses and signs both at...
Encyclopedia Of Vedic Astrology : Planets, Signs And Houses Author- Shanker Adawal The notion that astrologers can unfold lives and reveal what waits at the next bend is a thought...
Author-Ds Mathur The Play of Planets in Houses: A Bhrigu Analysis part 1 (1 to 6 House ) This is a book that has ventured into partially explored territory. There...
Factes of Marriage & ‘The 7th House’ Author- Aparna Sharma Fire element corresponds with spiritual processes in man. Earth element corresponds with physical processes. Air element corresponds with mental processes. Water...