This book is complete in itself, includes every aspect of Astrology and does away with the necessity of purchasing any additional volume as text book.The present work in the beginning...
Author- SC Mishra (Suresh Chandra Mishra) ज्योतिष एक सम्पूर्ण शाश्त्र है l शाश्त्र का क्रमबद्ध व प्रामाणिक ज्ञान तथा व्यावहारिक समन्वय ये दो तत्त्व मिलकर एक निपुण ज्योतिषी का निर्माण...
Yogas-The Marvels Of Hindu Astrology (The Celestial Entities In Action) Author- OP Verma Combinations of various planets form the essence of predictive astrology as practised in India. The yogas or...