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  • SKU: KAB0447

Medical Astrology (Combinations and Remedial Measures) (Volume 2) [English]

₹ 200.00 ₹ 250.00
  • Product Type: Book
  • Barcode: 8185381992

Author- NE Muthuswami

An exhaustive and comprehensive study of the theory and application of astrological principles in the determination of the root cause for difficult and untracable diseases. The book deals with the fundamental principles of astrology, a detailed analysis of the combinations which show how the onset of diseases can be learnt before-hand and how the remedial measures like gem therapy, ritualstic remedies, graha dosha santhi and other remedies available can be usefully adapted to the ben¬efit of the mankind. The transit and dasa bhukthi of the planets and how they effect the health of the native are well explained in the various chapters. Exclusive chapters for Karmavipakam remedies, graha dosha shanthi, remedies available from prasna, gem therapy etc. are well docu¬mented. Contents of volume 2 Classification of Diseases • Planetary combination for inherent diseases • Diseases caused by Disharmony of three humors and Planetary combinations' Planetary combination of various diseases. “Accidents and unexpected diseases. Diseases of possessions - Baadha roga, ' Time of onset of diseases. “Diseases from hoarary, roga in Prasna. “Curable and incurable disease. “ Combinations of Planets indicating pregnancy diseases” Astrology and surgery in Pregnancy. Muhurtha for taking medicines 'Ozhivu in the hoarary of diseases • Astrological remedies for treatment. “Remedies through gems. “Remedial measures in Prasnamarga. Karmavipaka parihaaraas in Veera-simhavalokam. Navagraha-doshasanthi. Combinations of planets indicating danger. Sixth house - a discussion on other aspects relevant to medical practitioners.