These Ruling Planets act as the guides and assist in timing the event almost exactly. When applied to the Natal Chart, the Ruling Planets will agree fully with the Dasa,...
HOW TO TIME AN EVENT By Dinesh S Mathur This is the first work in which an attempt has been made to scientifically put to practice concepts relating to progression...
CHARISMA OF PLANETS : TIMING EVENTS Author- Raj Kumar Lt Col Astrological analysis has tow components. The first is the deduction of likely trends in the life of a native....
Author- Prabodhchandra Prabodhji has beautifully woven the effects and timing of events from eclipses. I had always heard that when you have 3 or more eclipses in quick succession, it...
The following is the USP of the book Author- KB Gopal Krishnan 1) Predictions, which have come true, are used for examples. The logic behind is clearly written. 2) Different...
Author- RK Das Important leatures of this book: I. It is for the timing of happy events of life such as marriage, progeny, service, etc. 2. Speaks of PACN, i.e.,...